"Taab Yînga"

How to contact them ?

We use a very simple method, coming to them and proposing them a meeting.
Then we can get some thirty or so young people and we start reflecting on the very simple things of their life : hunger, illness, their daily problems…

The aim is to come little by little to the reason of their breaking away from the family.
We also propose our services…
and give them a sandwich !

Using images that talk to them

Some areas of the town have been demolished and people have had to go away to the suburbs.

The reasons for being in the street : poverty, beating, divorce, and coranic school.)

Getting to know them

We invite them in the centre we have built recently and we propose them to start having some activities with us, like sewing, welding, or painting on the walls or on cloth, to make cards we can then sell to friends in Burkina or abroad.

Cleaning around the centre

The kids in the mechanics workshop

They are full of energies
